
Morey, My 2nd Service Dog

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Christmas Buddies

Morey and Buddy cuddling on their bed
My mom has an old shih tzu who is blind and deaf. Buddy loves to be around other dogs and gains a sense of security from their presence. Right now my mom doesn't have any "extras" (foster dogs, service dogs in training, dog sitting) so Buddy was very glad when Morey arrived!

Buddy has no concept of personal space and will cuddle up right next to Morey no matter how much space there is (or isn't). Morey is very considerate when Buddy steps on him or across his toys or treats. It is pretty cute to see them together!

None of the pictures were posed- in most cases Morey was sleeping first and then Buddy joined him.
Morey and Buddy waiting for Santa
Buddy and Morey sleeping face to face

Morey takes up more than his fair share of the bed!

Morey and Buddy enjoying their Christmas presents!
We don't really know how old Buddy is because he came to us as a stray. It is very possible that this will be his last Christmas so it was fun to get so many pictures of Morey and Buddy together.

Flying Fears

Flying with Morey has become a much more stressful endeavor than it has been in the past.With his medication he seems fine but since I am not medicated my anxiety is pretty high the whole trip! I travel prepared with all his emergency medication and supplies and sincerely hope I never need to use them. It's not just the medical aspect of Morey having a seizure that scares me it's also all the logistics that go along with it- what if he has a seizure on the plane, if he can't walk how could I get him to an emergency vet in a strange city, etc. Needless to say, now I only get excited about going home to Indiana once we are actually there!

Morey and I are the first ones to board the plane and as we got settled an older couple got on and when the wife saw Morey she said "My husband is a vet so if you need anything just let us know". I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders as I said "Well, he actually did have a seizure so it's good to know you are here." He wanted to know what medication I had and said "Don't you worry, if anything happens we can handle it." I settled back in my seat so relieved that help would be available if needed.

It turns out they were traveling all the way to Indiana so they were on my second flight as well. The wife sat next to me on our second flight and told me all about their clinic in Bastrop (about 30 minutes away from Austin) and showed me pictures of some of her favorite clients. She took a few pictures of Morey so I am sure he will be part of her picture show in the future! Having them on board felt like a Christmas gift and allowed me to enjoy the trip without (too) much worry!

Vet Visit

Once the semester is over it is much easier for me to arrive late or leave early from work since there aren't as many meetings and appointments once students leave campus. I use this time of year to make all my own medical appointments since I can be more flexible with my schedule. One appointment I always make before going home for Christmas is Morey's annual vet visit so he can be up to date on his vaccines before we travel.

This was the first appointment with his regular vet since he had his seizure so as the vet tech got us settled in the exam room she asked if there was anything specific I wanted to talk to the vet about. I explained the situation and the vet tech said "Oh, that was you! I was the one who answered the phone that day!". I apologized for being an incoherent mess when I called and she was very understanding and said she was glad it all worked out ok. She was glad to hear Morey had been seizure-free since the initial episode.

I am thankful to have a vet who understands the importance and unique aspects of a service dog's health. Dr. Oliver willingly gave me a refill for Morey's anxiety meds once she heard his reaction to the airport the next time she went. The emergency vet had given me a dose of valium to give Morey rectally if he had another seizure and I explained to Dr. Oliver that I was concerned about my ability to actually administer it since it involved attaching a needle to a syringe, drawing out the valium, detaching the needle and administering it rectally. Each step involved a lot of fine motor skills I don't have and I hadn't been able to practice since I only had the one dose. 

Dr. Oliver brought in some extra syringes so I could see if that was something I would be able to do if no one was around to help. While I managed to draw out the dose, I couldn't detach the needle (using your teeth isn't really an option when you are talking about needles!). She was so eager to help me find a workable solution and we went through a number of different syringe, needle and medication options before landing on Keppra that I could give as an injection using syringes with needles already attached. This only required me to draw out the dose (challenging but doable) and give Morey an injection. She said it might take a bit longer to work to stop a seizure than the valium but it was something I could do on my own if necessary. She wanted me to be comfortable with each step of the process so we practiced several times and then she let me give Morey a saline injection so I knew how to do it. I certainly hope I never need to know how to do any of this but I left feeling much more confident and prepared that I could manage another seizure on my own if necessary. I am so grateful to Dr. Oliver for all the time she took with me to make sure I can take care of Morey!

Morey also had a few lumps and bumps that were new since last year and she wanted to make sure they were all benign. I hate being reminded that Morey is getting older and you never want to hear about the possibility of a cancer. Thankfully Morey's bumps were all benign and he was given a clean bill of health. I am very thankful that Morey is healthy and happy enough to continue in his working role!

Shopping for a Service Dog

Morey trying out the bed options at Costco
It is challenging to shop for your service dog when they are with you all the time! This year Morey needed a new dog bed and Costco has big comfy beds at reasonable prices. They had a number of different choices when it came to style, fabric and color so I let Morey pick out his favorite. After letting him get on the bed in the store to try it out he didn't want to get off of it! I explained that we couldn't take it home unless he let me carry it to the front of the store to buy it. I had to make two trips into the store- once to buy the dog bed since that was the only thing I could carry and once to buy the other things I needed!
Morey's new bed was just right!
 It doesn't usually get very cold in Texas but that day it was only in the 20s! As soon as I got home I put his new bed on top of his old one (creating a double decker dog bed) and Morey settled in for the afternoon. He looked so cozy I almost wanted to join him!
All curled up for an afternoon nap!

Christmas Preparations

Christmas seemed to sneak up on me this year. Perhaps it was being gone most of the month of November but for some reason I had a delayed start to my Christmas decorating and celebrating. Luckily it doesn't take long to put up my tiny Christmas tree and Morey the reindog was happy to assist.

This year Morey got a new stocking. He was very excited about hanging it over our fireplace (even if we are in Indiana for Christmas so it never actually gets filled!).

A friend and I have made it a tradition to go to the Blue Genie Art Bazaar each year to do our shopping. I like to support local artists and it's fun to see the unique and creative pieces they have for sale. It's sometimes hard to remember I am there to shop for other people and not myself! This year the Bazaar was in a new location and they had a Santa Sheriff at the door to greet you!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Road Trip to Houston

We had just gotten back to Austin from our Thanksgiving trip and it was time to pack and hit the road for our next trip! Our destination was Houston where I was going to be playing in a rugby tournament so once again my rugby gear was along for the ride. As you can tell, Morey was less than thrilled to have to share his space with or luggage!

 On road trips I bring a cushy inflatable bed for Morey to lay on at the gym. He is very good about staying on his spot while I am busy playing rugby.
 Morey got to meet a CCI yellow lab named Ty who belonged to one of the other athletes. We gave the dogs some time to run around the gym before or after the games since they both were feeling a little cooped up.

Morey enjoyed the king bed at the hotel! Even though it seems like he sleeps all day at the gym I don't think he gets very good quality of rest so he made the most of the bed at the hotel!
 In case you are wondering, you can fit 2 people, 2 wheelchairs, 1 rugby chair, 4 wheels, 3 bags and a dog into a Mazda 5!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Morey's Vacation

While I was in Europe for two weeks, Morey was spending time at Grandma's. He had plenty of friends to keep him company during his visit, including Buddy the Shih Tzu.

More pictures to come soon of Morey and his Indiana friends!

Medicated Morey

I picked up Morey's anxiety meds at the pharmacy and was amused to see the usual warnings about drinking alcohol, operating heavy machinery and becoming pregnant. Luckily none of those are part of Morey's regular routine so I don't think it will be a problem for him to avoid those activities!

Morey on Meds!
I wanted to give Morey a dose before we actually needed it so I could gauge its effects. I needed it to relax him enough to allow him to be calm throughout our trip but yet still have him alert enough to function. I gave him a dose and back we went to the airport to try it out. One of the Southwest employees saw us walking around and asked "Weren't you here yesterday?" I explained the situation and he asked if I wanted a pass to go through security. He explained that he had worked with a service dog in the past and understood how important it is for them to be able to do their job. I was so grateful for his understanding and very relieved to be able to take Morey through the whole security process. I kept the beef jerky flowing freely and much to my relief Morey seemed quite alert and happy as we walked through the airport. Several people even commented on how how happy he looked! We stayed until I was running low on beef jerky and on our way out we stopped back by the Southwest counter to thank the staff member again. I told him we were both feeling much better about our upcoming trip thanks to this field trip!

On the day of our flight I was feeling like I might need to take one of Morey's pills to reduce my own anxiety! I was traveling for rugby so I had all my gear with me in addition to all my luggage. My flight was going to Indiana where I was going to drop off Morey with my mom before heading to Europe the next day. Thankfully our flight was very uneventful but I don't think I have ever been so relieved to have a plane arrive at our destination!

Airport Trauma

I had another flight coming up and after Morey's seizure at the airport I was concerned about how he might react next time we went to the airport. Since we only live 20 minutes away from the airport I decided to take a field trip and see how Morey responded when we didn't have the pressure of actually getting on a flight. I had tried to see if I could get special permission to go through the security line since that was where Morey had his seizure but the airport staff member I contacted said they were still working on a process to allow service dogs in training access to the airport and that it wouldn't be ready for a few months. I figured we could at least walk through the unsecured areas so armed with some tasty treats and tennis balls we went into the airport, trying to be optimistic.

I was watching Morey like a hawk and at first nothing seemed off. We walked over to the security line and that was when Morey began panting and shaking excessively. He was still accepting beef jerky but he was in obvious distress. We quickly retreated back to a place where Morey seemed to calm down a bit but we were both shaken by the experience. I had been hoping that Morey might not even remember his seizure and so wouldn't have any negative associations with the airport but that hope died when I saw how he reacted. It broke my heart to see Morey so distressed and since flying is a regular part of my life it also made me fear for his future as my service dog.

Austin has three security lines and after "striking out" at the first one I wanted to test out the other ones to see if Morey's reaction would be the same. I waited until Morey had calmed back down and then we cautiously approached the next security line. To my surprise, he remained calm as we walked through the line as far as we could. Seeing how that went, we proceeded to the last line which was the one where he had actually had the seizure. I was anticipating more of a reaction to that line but again he didn't seem to respond in a negative way.

Given Morey's extreme reaction to the one security line I knew that our next flight was going to be a bit trickier than I had hoped. Last time I ended up cancelling my trip after Morey had his seizure but this time I was going to Europe and cancelling wasn't an option. Neither was letting Morey get so stressed that he had another seizure. Over time I knew we might be able to make some progress with exposure to the airport but that would take time I didn't have.

I called my vet and explained the situation, asking if she could prescribe some anxiety medication for Morey. She agreed that it might be a good option and so I got some doggie Valium for Morey. Medicating Morey wasn't my first choice but under the circumstances it seemed like the best option.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Sleep Over

Morey's friend Camilla came to stay for another week since her human was out of town again. Camilla seemed excited to be back but as you can tell by this picture, Morey was a little less enthusiastic!

This time Morey and Camilla were better about sharing with each other. They spent a good deal of time sharing Morey's big dog bed and I made sure there were always enough toys to go around!

However, there were some times when Camilla decided to take over and collect all the toys and bowls to keep on the bed. Morey is such a gentleman he just laid nearby, allowing her to have the whole bed for herself and her stash of hoarded items.
It's kind of fun to have another dog around- except when they both want to sleep on the bed with you! Although we were sometimes crowded at night, you can't beat waking up to these happy doggie faces in the morning!

Happy Halloween!

On Halloween Morey and I had to report for Jury Duty. To make a long story short, I was excused immediately after arriving because (as I found out later) the courtroom wasn't accessible. This is the busiest time of year for us at work so I was glad to be able to go back to work but I was annoyed that I was basically being denied the opportunity to participate in my civic duty just because I used a wheelchair. I guess that is a battle I will fight another time!

The good news was that while Morey couldn't wear his costume at Jury Duty he could definitely wear it at work! As you might imagine, he got lots of compliments by everyone who saw him!

 One of my co-workers also dressed up for Halloween. We joked that Vanessa the witch would make the students cry and then Morey would be the one to make them smile!
Morey found out that his hat could double as an eye mask and hide him the camera flashes from all his paparazzi! He didn't realize that it makes him even more adorable when he plays hard to get!
We went to visit one of Morey's biggest fans in her office. She has a nice comfy couch and asked if Morey could jump up on it to get a better background for the photo! Morey didn't mind this one bit and he make himself quite comfortable!

I love seeing how Morey puts smiles on people's faces. He loves the attention he gets when he wears costumes so it seems to balance out for him! Despite the lack of costume planning, Morey's Halloween seemed to be a success!

Costume Dilemma

This year I had big plans for preparing Morey's Halloween costume but his seizure threw these plans off track. I also found out I had to report for Jury Duty on Halloween so he wouldn't be able to wear his costume during the day like he usually did so I lost some of my motivation for planning his costume. Nevertheless, I felt like Morey's costumes had a reputation to maintain so I knew I had to do something when Halloween rolled around.

I was going to help with my church's No Fear Celebration the Saturday before Halloween so that was my deadline for a costume. I ended up going to Petsmart on the way to the event to see what his costume might be. I suppose there is something to be said for spontaneity! Unfortunately there were no costumes large enough for Morey. I guess size discrimination is a thing for dogs too!

Luckily there was a Party City next door so we went in with an open mind for finding something that could easily be transformed into a costume for Morey. It didn't take long to find the perfect thing!

A red bowler had with a rainbow band and fake flower seemed like it was made for Morey! A giant multi-colored polka dot bowtie competed his clown costume. He wasn't thrilled about it so he decided to be a sad clown!

 I got tiger ears and a tiger tail for myself. No pictures to share but you can see the shadow of my "ears" in this picture with Morey! I got to help with sand art at the No Fear Celebration. Unfortunately a car next to us was doing an activity involving popping balloons. Morey obviously did not appreciate this sound and eventually crawled under the table we were using in an attempt to escape. Sorry Morey!
As you might imagine, Morey was quite popular with the kids!They all wanted to pet and admire his costume

 Wouldn't you want to come to this event if you got greeted by a clown like this??

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Happy 8th Birthday!

Morey's eighth birthday was four days after his seizure but thankfully by then he was feeling well enough to celebrate. His birthday party was supposed to be in Indiana but my mom brought down his presents and cards for him to enjoy in Texas instead.

One of his favorites was a sock monkey "crackle head" toy that has water bottle material in his head to make the crackle sounds and feel dogs seem to love.

 Morey's cake was some soft dog food I had been saving for a special occasion- topped with cheese candles Morey thought it was pretty delicious!

Rest and Recuperation

Because I had been planning to be out of town, I already had the next few days off of work, which was good since Morey definitely needed some time off to recover! By Thursday night he was less wobbly but still very tired and spending lots of time sleeping. Since we didn't know Morey's prognosis, my mom flew down to stay with us. It was wonderful to have her support  as we both recovered from our ordeal!

We went to the airport to pick her up, partly because I had to pick up the luggage I'd left there the day before and partly because I wanted to see Morey's reaction to the airport. I don't know if he even remembers any of what happened but since we fly a lot I don't want him to have a negative association with the airport. I figure going to pick up Grandma would be a positive association! He seemed more stressed than he usually would but I hoped that was just because he wasn't fully recovered yet. 

The next three days we pretty much spent at home watching Morey sleep. He would wake up and act normal- going out or eating- but then he would lay down and sleep for hours. I know seizures are exhausting but I wanted him to be back to his normal self. We did go to church on Sunday and of course everyone was glad to see him but even there he was much more subdued and less interactive than usual. Normally when my mom comes we have a full agenda of activities and most of them involve some kind of fun with Morey so it felt strange to sit around all day not doing anything.

Unfortunately all this time sitting around gave me plenty of time to wonder (and worry) about what this might mean for Morey's working life. With a working dog there are different considerations than with a pet and it can become much more complicated when a service dog has any health problems. While I will do my best to work around any needs Morey has, there are certain requirements and activities he must be able to do in order to keep working with me. Jumping in cars, adjusting to new environments, long days, all these are normal parts of my life. If Morey can't do his job, then it becomes time to consider retirement- something I know is inevitable for all service dogs but not something I was ready to think about for Morey yet. My first service dog, Jessie, eased into retirement by going to live with my mom but that would be a bit more difficult since she lives in Indiana and I live in Texas!

Thankfully Morey has made a seemingly full recovery and has been back at work for a few days. My anxiety about him having another seizure is lessening, although I think it will be present at least a little bit for quite a while. While a human who had a seizure would always be able to get medical help or transport to medical treatment I am realizing it is much more difficult if the patient is a dog! I am trying to put my emergency plan in place and certainly hope I never have to put it to use!

Seizure Scare

One of my worst fears is that something bad will happen to Morey and I won't be able to help him. I try not to dwell on this possibility but it is something I am aware of each time I take him swimming, or go for a walk in the park. I always make sure there are other people around so in an emergency there would be some help available. There would be nothing worse to me than being helpless when Morey needed help.

Unfortunately, last week I found myself in that exact position. We were at the airport, going through security and getting ready to head home to Indiana for a quick visit when I noticed Morey have difficulty standing. It looked like his legs were sliding out from under him and at first I wondered if the floor was too slippery for him to stand. Within a few seconds he was laying on the floor panting and his legs were moving and it took my scrambled mind a few seconds to realize he was having a seizure. I was literally the next person to to through the security line and had already put my belongings on the conveyor belt but all my focus was on Morey and I blocked out everything else. A TSA Agent came over and asked what was wrong and I told her my dog was having a seizure. I couldn't even process what to do next. I knew Morey needed help but I wasn't sure what to do. I kept talking to him but he didn't seem aware of my presence.

Eventually they closed down my security line and a TSA Agent stood next to us to keep people from bothering us. One of the agent asked me about my things and went to get them once I confirmed I was not getting on a plane anytime soon. Someone else went to get my checked luggage off the plane as I sat there watching my dog in distress and unable to do anything. Since there was not any medical help immediately available I called my regular vet since I had no idea what to do. The person answering the phone got a vet on the line quickly and the vet helped me get a plan for getting Morey to the vet as quickly as possible. I also called my mom in tears and let her know I would not be getting on a plane to come home.

By then there were 4-5 TSA and airport staff standing by me asking what they could do. Trying to keep it together I said to get a luggage cart to put Morey on and then see if a customer service vehicle could take me to my car in the parking lot. I know animals in distress can behave differently and I was a bit worried about having two strange men pick up Morey and lift him onto the cart but there didn't seem to be any other options. Morey seemed to be coming out of the seizure but he still looked confused and couldn't control his back legs (thankfully he had not lost control of his bladder/bowels).

Once the customer service vehicle arrived Morey was once again lifted and into the back seat. He seemed to be somewhat agitated and the men turned him so he could see me once I transferred to the back seat. They broke down  my chair and we headed to the parking lot where two other men met us and lifted Morey into my car. I have never driven in that state before and was glad there wasn't much traffic and the vet was not far away. When I arrived I transferred to my chair and rushed into the vet and asked for (shouted for?) help to bring Morey in since he still couldn't walk. A Vet tech came out and helped Morey out of the car and into the vet. It was actually a good thing he still had his vest on because she used the handle to help him stay on his feet. They rushed him into the back and I sat there filled with adrenaline and emotion.

 I sat there crying and trying to fill out paperwork until the vet tech came out to ask a few questions. I told her he had been fine up until the moment the seizure started and that there really wasn't any opportunity for him to be exposed to or ingest anything since I had been with him all morning. She said I could wait in an exam room and the vet would give me an update soon. I had tried my best to keep from letting my mind jump to the worst possible conclusions but sitting in that waiting room was hard, I took my phone and looked at pictures of Morey being his happy self since I hated thinking of him as I had last seen him.

The vet eventually came in and said that he was stabilized and that none of the bloodwork showed any cause for the seizure. She said his neurological exam was normal so it did not appear there was any damage from the seizure and it could just be a random one time thing. Since the medication for anti-convulsants is pretty powerful she said she did not want to start him on any meds unless he has another seizure. She wanted to keep him for the afternoon for observation and then asked if I wanted to see him. Of course!

The vet tech brought a stumbling and wobbly- but much more aware- Morey into the exam room and I tried to be calm and happy (neither of which were what I was actually feeling) as I greeted him. He was wearing "seizure bells" (really just jingle bells) around his neck so they could hear if he was having another seizure. They had also shaved his leg and put in a catheter in case they needed to start an IV if he had another seizure.

Morey came over and laid down right by my feet like "I don't know what is happening but I want to be with you". I wanted to love on him and never let him go but I knew the Vet tech had other work to do so after a few moments I very reluctantly let her take Morey back. That was one of the hardest things I've had to do and I felt so alone once Morey was gone. But at least I was leaving him doing a lot better than he had been even when we had arrived only a short time before.

There was nothing more I could do at the vet but I was still so agitated and emotional I wasn't ready to drive home and face being alone without Morey. I stuck around the vet's office for a few hours, updating people on Morey's status and trying to calm down and figure out what to do next. Finally I went to get some lunch and drove home to take a nap. Entering the house without Morey by my side or there to greet me was a horrible feeling. I laid down but it took a while before I could relax enough to sleep.

A call from the vet woke me up, giving me an update and asking if I wanted Morey to come home or for them to keep him overnight for more observation. She said he was walking better but was still very wobbly. I knew I wanted Morey home but also wanted to make sure I would be able to take care of him. She assured me he could walk and would be fine going outside. She also said she would send home medication to give if he had another seizure. With that to reassure me, I said I would come pick Morey up. I couldn't bear to think of him spending the night at the vet if it wasn't necessary.

It was such a relief to see Morey doing better when I went to pick him up! The vet tech went with me to make sure Morey could jump in my car. He stumbled a bit on the landing but he made it.

At home I dragged out  his dog bed (not used too much since he prefers the couch) and put it in a spot where he could be near me but not in the way. He was very tired and lethargic and stayed put most of the evening. He did get up for dinner (which helped assure me he really was getting better) and by the end of the night he jumped up on my bed without too much trouble.

What a day! We were both worn out by the events of the day but I think we were also very glad to be together at home. I got so many calls and texts and Facebook messages from people who were upset to hear about our day and it was reassuring to know we have so many people in our lives who care about both of us. Despite the horror of the day, there were definitely things I was thankful for!

 1) Thankful he didn't have his seizure on the plane. I had a hard enough time getting him to medical treatment from the ground, I really can't imagine what I would have done if he had had his seizure on the airplane or during our layover!

2) Thankful I decided to drive my own car to the airport. I almost always have a friend take me to the airport or take a Super Shuttle but for some reason I decided to drive my own car. This made it so much easier to get Morey to the vet and home quickly.

3) Thankful all the airport staff were so helpful. There were a number of people who went above and beyond to make sure Morey got the help he needed and they gracefully put up with me not being in my right mind while they did it! I sent an email to the airport after the fact and they said the would pass it along to their staff. I wanted them to know how appeciative I was for their help and to let them know that Morey is ok.

4) Most of all thankful that Morey is fine! It was a very scary day and I kept thinking I might lose my best friend and constant companion and I am incredibly thankful he is doing well!

Happy Fall!

Fall is my favorite season but it's a bit disappointing in Texas. I long for cool crisp mornings and evenings, picking apples and watching the leaves change color. Instead, we have 90 degree weather and everything is dying and turning brown. But I do my best to make it festive, mostly by making tasty fall foods (usually involving pumpkin) and decorating the house inside and out.
 I think it was three years ago we planted this ash tree in our back yard and since then it has been a tradition to take a picture of Morey by the tree. This year Morey was trying to hide in the shade because it was so hot!
The one thing I enjoy about fall in Texas is planting a winter garden. While everything else is dying it is fun to plant some new life and watch it grow. We planted lettuce, cabbage and snow peas this year. It will be a few months before we get any produce but I enjoy watching them grow in the meantime!

Friday, September 30, 2016

House Guest

Morey is used to being an "only child". He gets all the attention, all the toys and all the treats. He likes other dogs but he hasn't had much experience sharing "his" things or having another dog in "his" space. Last week I watched a friend's dog while she was out of town and it was interesting to see Morey adapt to having another dog around the house!

Camilla riding in style!
Camilla is a small black terrier mix who is very sweet (I know "terrier" and "sweet" don't always go together!). She and Morey had never met before so we made sure to introduce them in the dog park at my friend's apartment before I put them in the car together to drive home. Camilla wasn't too interested in playing with Morey so after their initial introductory sniffs they both went their own ways in the dog park.

Camilla keeping watch at the window
 After exploring the house and yard, Camilla took her station on my bed, looking out the window. She is very quiet and never barked at any of the people, dogs, bikes, etc. constantly going by. She stayed at home while Morey and I went to work and that is where she seemed to spend more of her time while we were gone.
Morey and Camilla sharing my bed
Camilla and Morey laying "rump to rump" on my bed

Despite their initial disinterest in each other Morey and Camilla did seem to enjoy each other's company- at least when it came to sleeping! Morey wasn't sure he liked sharing his space on the bed but since Camilla is so small she was able to fit into the space left by Morey. I was basically on my own to find a way to sleep in the little space left by the dogs!

 The weather had finally cooled down
and both Morey and Camilla enjoyed spending time outside in the yard. They are both so people-oriented that they want someone outside with them. If I left them outside for a few minutes while I stayed inside both of them would stand outside the door wondering why they weren't being allowed back in!

The fourth day Morey and Camilla were starting to show an interest in playing with each other. I caught a few moments of them playing chase in the backyard. It was funny to see their size difference but Camilla can definitely hold her own! I think Morey was actually a little scared of her intensity since he is used to playing with goofball labs and goldens!

Camilla is also an "only child" so she is not used to having to share anything with other dogs either. She didn't play with toys too much but she did like one of Morey's tug toys- her favorite time to play was right before bed when she would run around like a maniac for a few minutes! Morey wanted to play with her but she would growl and bare her teeth if he came close so he eventually learned that Camilla would not be a good tug of war partner. She also liked one of his interactive feeding toys which is what I use to feed Morey his meals and she would also growl at Morey if he approached that toy when she was near it. Morey respected Camilla's boundaries and would leave a wide space between Camilla when she had a toy.

Feeding time was interesting because Camilla is used to nibbling on her food throughout the day. That becomes challenging when you have two dogs in the house and one is more food oriented than the other! It was easy on weekdays because I would put down Camilla's food when I left for work and she would have all day to eat it. I would then feed Morey at work so there was no conflict. Dinner time was a bit more challenging- I ended up putting Camilla on a leash while Morey ate (which doesn't take long!). Morey is so good once he was told to "leave it" he ignored any leftover food that was down for Camilla!

Camilla with all the toys!
One day I went in my room and found that Camilla had taken Morey's ball (his most favorite thing ever!), a toy and his bone to her bed and was laying next to them. As you can tell by the expression on Morey's face in the next picture, he wasn't too thrilled by this arrangement! Luckily we have plenty of balls, bones and toys to go around so I made sure to get more out for Morey to have all for himself.
Morey is not happy with Camilla taking all the toys
Any time my roommate or I spoke to one of the dogs the other one was sure to appear- not wanting to miss out on any of the attention! It was funny to see Morey realize that my "baby voice" is not reserved exclusively for him! Morey and Camilla were constantly jostling for petting position- while Morey has size to his advantage, Camilla was able to cuddle up close to us in ways that Morey couldn't.
                 We all enjoyed our visit with Camilla and hope she will come to visit again soon!