
Morey, My 2nd Service Dog

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Helping Around the House

The other day I was sorting mail on the kitchen table when an empty envelope fell on the floor. I wasn’t too concerned about it and just left it there as I continued to read the contents. Morey happened to be walking by as it fell and without any instruction, he picked it up and handed it to me.

 I gratefully accepted the paper and he wagged his tail and then went about his business (which turned out to be looking for his bone that had gotten pushed under a coffe table).  Normally I don’t encourage him to retrieve objects without being asked-there may be times when it is dangerous for him to pick up theobject and I always want him to wait for instruction before deciding to set out to help on his own. Even when technically “off duty”, Morey is always willing to lend a helping paw (or maybe mouth is more accurate). I think I’ll keep him around! J

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