
Morey, My 2nd Service Dog

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Super Service Animal

Morey and I have been busy with various events and trainings hosted by my internship. The first event was a 2 day training for AmeriCorps*Texas program staff. Morey and I helped with set up and registration and then got to sit in on the various training sessions. I also got to present a few disability-related sessions. At the end of both days I had participants come over and tell me how much they enjoyed having Morey in the room. Even though none of them had even petted or interacted with him, they said just looking over and seeing him laying on the floor made them smile. Wish I had that kind of effect on people! ; )

Since this year is the 20th anniversary of AmeriCorps, one evening we hosted a 90s-themed social event. We all dressed up in 90s gear, listened to 90s music, played some 90s trivia and reminisced about our favorite 90s memories. Even though Morey wasn't alive in the 90s, he still got into the spirit by wearing a slap bracelet, fishnet gloves (turned leg warmers), a glow necklace and some cool shades.
Morey rockin' his 90s gear
Last week we got to attend a OneStar Board meeting. We each had name tents for our place at the table and the Executive Assistant had also made one for Morey! Under our names we each had our title and Morey received a promotion from service dog to "Super Service Animal"!
The hotel where the Board meeting was held had an atrium in the lobby with a pool of water and small waterfall. During one of our breaks Morey and I wandered over and were both surprised to find a swan swimming around in the pool! Morey was quite interested in the swan and for a moment it was hard to get his attention. Since the pool was not enclosed Morey and I kept our distance so I wasn't able to get a picture. You'll just have to use your imagination to picture a swan living in a hotel!

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