
Morey, My 2nd Service Dog

Thursday, May 10, 2012

It's a Small World

I was at the store with Morey this week when a woman approached me and asked if she could pet Morey. I gave permission and she said "I know to always ask before I pet a working dog. I used to work in a prison in Indiana and there was a program called ICAN that trained the dogs there." I looked at her in surprise and said "Morey graduated from ICAN! We are both from Indiana and he was trained in the prisons there!". She went on to tell me that she had worked at Rockville for 13 years and had seen the amazing different the dogs made in the offender's lives.

Wow, if that isn't a coincidence I don't know what is! What are the chances that we would meet someone in Texas who used to work with ICAN dogs in the prisons?! Morey spent some time at Rockville, so there is a possibility that she had actually met him before. It really is a small world...

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