
Morey, My 2nd Service Dog

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Bed Wars

Morey is used to sleeping all day at work. At camp, I would take him to the gym with me where he would stay on his mat during the sessions that lasted about 3 hours. Although he appeared to be sleeping, I think there was too commotion going on for him to really rest. I was also making him sleep on the floor on his bed instead of up with me (a twin bed is a little too crowded for a person and a big dog!) At the end of day 2 Kris looked at him and said "Wow, Morey looks really tired-he's got bags under his eyes!" And he really did. The third day I left him in my dorm room so he could rest. When I got back for lunch, you can see where I found him. He decided the dog bed was nice, but the real bed was much better!

That was the first, but not the last time I returned to find him up on the bed. I would always tell him "off" right away, but that just taught him to jump off the bed when I got back-not to stay off it in the first time. I didn't really care that much...until the day it rained. I took Morey out to hurry, then fed him and left him in the room so I could go eat. When I got back, the white comforter was no longer white. I couldn't really say anything to him so before our next session I put some of my bags and books on the bed to keep him off (although the damage had already been done). When I got back, Morey was nestled between all the stuff I had left there to keep him off.

This was obviously a bigger training project than I could take on at camp. It's not a huge deal, but another good reminder to me of how one small compromise on behavior can lead to a bigger problem later on. But in the meantime, at least Morey was getting his beauty rest!

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