
Morey, My 2nd Service Dog

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Stampede Dog

During rugby tournaments, there is a lot of down time where Morey isn't officially working. I'm not as strict with the rules about petting him, but I don't want him to disregard his working rules so at rugby events I usually decide to leave his vest off. Instead of his vest, Morey wore his Texas Stampede shirt at Nationals. He looked pretty cute although the other teams were giving me grief about it. He really didn't seem to mind and wore it all day (until he peed on it, oops!).

I brought his "pup tent" and he pretty much knows the routine now. He's allowed to wander around our equipment area while we get ready and between games and then goes into it during our games. If I don't zip the door all the way he will stick his nose or paws out, which looks really pathetic. He could easily get out if he wanted to, but he doesn't. There were several other services dogs there and although he would whine excitedly when they went by, he redirected his attention to me.

People would see me without Morey and ask where he was and when they saw him in his tent they would comment on what a good dog he was. And he is! He's got a great "on/off" switch from working and interacting to just hanging out and waiting. 3 days of rugby was a lot, but he handled it perfectly and made lots of new friends.

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