
Morey, My 2nd Service Dog

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Left Behind

I had the opportunity to compete in an international rugby tournament in Vancouver, Canada. I had planned to take Morey but after seeing how tired he was after his agility trial I decided to leave him home with my roommate. The last time I left Morey for more than a few days he did not do very well (started alert barking, wouldn't eat, etc.) so I was a little concerned about how he would do. Sometimes I wish they could explain why it really was better for him to stay instead of come with me!

It turns out leaving Morey at home was an excellent decision. It was cold and rainy pretty much the whole time we were in Vancouver and we saw a lot of very dirty and wet dogs! Managing a wet and dirty dog in public places and hotels would have been difficult and not enjoyable for either one of us!

The competition venue was the Richmond Olympic Oval, one of the venues for the 2010 Winter Olympics/Paralympics. I had never been to an Olympic venue before and it was fun to see all of the memorabilia they had on display. One of the downsides of the venue was the ice skating rinks inside that made it very cold!

It would have been tough to have Morey there because two teams had the same equipment area in a room separate from the gym. It's a public place and I wouldn't have felt comfortable leaving Morey unattended and out of sight but there wasn't any room on the playing court for him either.

I got home from my trip at about 1am. Normally when I come home Morey greets me at the door enthusiastically but this time he just started at me as I came in the door with very little response. I took him back to bed and he wagged his tail very slowly. I think his body had woken up but his mind hadn't quite processed my return yet!

Later I found out that my roommate had been concerned about Morey so he put some of his anxiety meds in his water. Morey has a huge water bowl and it takes him a few days to drink it so I doubt the pills had any effect on Morey but they seemed to do the trick for my roommate's peace of mind! :)

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