
Morey, My 2nd Service Dog

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Spring Break

I spent the first few days of my spring break as a counselor at Camp Xtreme, a wheelchair sports camps for kids with disabilities. It was a great experience and I even got to try some new things- including paintball and horseback riding. There were 11 campers ages 12-21 and I enjoyed the opportunity to be a role model for kids who may not know many/any adults with disabilities.

The camp facility, Camp For All, is a barrier free facility and it was pretty incredible. When I first arrived I went to the bathroom and out of habit went to the last stall (since that is usually the only one that is accessible). However, at Camp For All all the restroom stalls and showers are accessible so we get options just like everyone else! Sometimes it's the little things...

Morey stayed at home since I wasn't sure what the schedule and camp would be like. He was very excited to see me when I got home. Now that I am not traveling as much for sports I don't leave him as often so he isn't as used to getting left behind. To make up for leaving him behind I took him to the nearby school to play. It had rained while I was gone and there was some standing water that Morey immediately found and decided to splash around in before laying down for a nice soak in a mud bath.

Even though Morey got pretty filthy it was hard to be annoyed when he was having such a good time. I felt bad about ruining his afternoon by giving him a bath when we got home but given how dirty he was it wasn't really optional. 

Although most of the time Morey looks more like a lab than a golden, after baths his inner golden retriever comes out and his tail and hindquarters are much fluffier than usual. : )

After all that excitement Morey and I both engaged in one of our favorite activities- napping!

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