
Morey, My 2nd Service Dog

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Snow Cones

One of our adventures was going to visit a food truck park. This basically consists of a parking lot with several different food trucks in it. Each truck has its own specialty food so you can get an entire meal by visiting several trucks. We got bratwurst, fried pickles, snow cones, and cupcakes (a very nutritious and well-balanced meal).

The truck selling snow cones also catered to their canine clientele. Grandma wanted to spoil her granddog and so a chicken/bacon snow cone was purchased for Morey. After posing for the required picture, I released Morey to eat it. At first he just stared at me, unsure if I had really released him. I repeated the command and he carefully tasted it, then looked up at me as if to say "Really, I'm allowed to eat this?" Once he realized that yes, he really was allowed to eat the entire thing, he started gulping it down. He loves eating ice and so even once the topping was gone, he kept licking and chewing at the compacted ice. I think he might have gotten brain freeze because he did take a short break at one point before going right back at it. It was hot and sunny that day and we all enjoyed our snow cones!

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