When you only have a little time left on this earth you might as well make them the best they can be! That became the goal for Morey and he has spent his time doing as many of his favorite activities as he still can! Thankfully Morey's health seemed to stabilize after we realized that sleeping on soft surfaces seemed to make it more difficult for him to breathe. He now spends most of his days and nights on the floor and his inflatable bed has gotten more use than it ever as before!
Morey still loves his toys, especially his bunny. While he doesn't play chase anymore he will lay on his bed and squeak the bunny and trying to catch it with his paws if it "gets away". Morey has always enjoyed playing with really small toys which is funny to see for such a big dog!

Thankfully the weather has been nice which has allowed us to spend a lot of time outside with Morey. He seems to enjoy the sights, sounds and smells and will be very engaged in his surroundings. Morey enjoys meals on the deck, preferring cooked chicken or pulled pork and ice chips as his food options. He's also gotten peanut butter, cream cheese, turkey- fed by hand after deciding that he is done eating kibble out of a bowl. It makes us happy to see him feeling well enough to be getting spoiled and enjoying every minute!
Morey looks so good it is hard to believe what is going on inside his body. He was so active and normal that at times it's hard to believe we are really going to lose him so soon. Morey makes every moment of my life more happy and it breaks my heart to think how sad and lonely I will be without him. He can take any ordinary activity and make you see the joy in it. My life will be much more mundane without his cheerful face and joyful spirit!

One activity Morey still enjoys is soaking in his pool. A few days were up near 90 and so he enjoyed cooling off in the pool. Of course he wanted his tennis ball to keep him company!

Morey spent so much time in the pool he wanted to take a nap but it looked uncomfortable for him to use the edge of the pool as a pillow so my mom rigged up a pool pillow for him to use to rest his head. Grandma to the rescue!

Snoozing in the pool, does it get much better than that??
Morey has always enjoyed the couch and I would say he has now officially become a couch potato! I don't even mind when he takes up all the space and doesn't leave any for me!
It's hard for Morey to get up to my level so now I get down to his. I've sat on the floor more since his diagnosis than I have for quite a long time! I want to spend as much time with him as I can and if that means getting down on the floor it is definitely worth it! Morey has spent his whole life serving me so I think it is only fair that I spend the last few weeks of his life serving him.
We were hoping Morey's retirement was going to be much longer but he is certainly making the most of the time he has!
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