Unfortunately, last week I found myself in that exact position. We were at the airport, going through security and getting ready to head home to Indiana for a quick visit when I noticed Morey have difficulty standing. It looked like his legs were sliding out from under him and at first I wondered if the floor was too slippery for him to stand. Within a few seconds he was laying on the floor panting and his legs were moving and it took my scrambled mind a few seconds to realize he was having a seizure. I was literally the next person to to through the security line and had already put my belongings on the conveyor belt but all my focus was on Morey and I blocked out everything else. A TSA Agent came over and asked what was wrong and I told her my dog was having a seizure. I couldn't even process what to do next. I knew Morey needed help but I wasn't sure what to do. I kept talking to him but he didn't seem aware of my presence.
Eventually they closed down my security line and a TSA Agent stood next to us to keep people from bothering us. One of the agent asked me about my things and went to get them once I confirmed I was not getting on a plane anytime soon. Someone else went to get my checked luggage off the plane as I sat there watching my dog in distress and unable to do anything. Since there was not any medical help immediately available I called my regular vet since I had no idea what to do. The person answering the phone got a vet on the line quickly and the vet helped me get a plan for getting Morey to the vet as quickly as possible. I also called my mom in tears and let her know I would not be getting on a plane to come home.
By then there were 4-5 TSA and airport staff standing by me asking what they could do. Trying to keep it together I said to get a luggage cart to put Morey on and then see if a customer service vehicle could take me to my car in the parking lot. I know animals in distress can behave differently and I was a bit worried about having two strange men pick up Morey and lift him onto the cart but there didn't seem to be any other options. Morey seemed to be coming out of the seizure but he still looked confused and couldn't control his back legs (thankfully he had not lost control of his bladder/bowels).
Once the customer service vehicle arrived Morey was once again lifted and into the back seat. He seemed to be somewhat agitated and the men turned him so he could see me once I transferred to the back seat. They broke down my chair and we headed to the parking lot where two other men met us and lifted Morey into my car. I have never driven in that state before and was glad there wasn't much traffic and the vet was not far away. When I arrived I transferred to my chair and rushed into the vet and asked for (shouted for?) help to bring Morey in since he still couldn't walk. A Vet tech came out and helped Morey out of the car and into the vet. It was actually a good thing he still had his vest on because she used the handle to help him stay on his feet. They rushed him into the back and I sat there filled with adrenaline and emotion.
I sat there crying and trying to fill out paperwork until the vet tech came out to ask a few questions. I told her he had been fine up until the moment the seizure started and that there really wasn't any opportunity for him to be exposed to or ingest anything since I had been with him all morning. She said I could wait in an exam room and the vet would give me an update soon. I had tried my best to keep from letting my mind jump to the worst possible conclusions but sitting in that waiting room was hard, I took my phone and looked at pictures of Morey being his happy self since I hated thinking of him as I had last seen him.
The vet eventually came in and said that he was stabilized and that none of the bloodwork showed any cause for the seizure. She said his neurological exam was normal so it did not appear there was any damage from the seizure and it could just be a random one time thing. Since the medication for anti-convulsants is pretty powerful she said she did not want to start him on any meds unless he has another seizure. She wanted to keep him for the afternoon for observation and then asked if I wanted to see him. Of course!
The vet tech brought a stumbling and wobbly- but much more aware- Morey into the exam room and I tried to be calm and happy (neither of which were what I was actually feeling) as I greeted him. He was wearing "seizure bells" (really just jingle bells) around his neck so they could hear if he was having another seizure. They had also shaved his leg and put in a catheter in case they needed to start an IV if he had another seizure.
Morey came over and laid down right by my feet like "I don't know what is happening but I want to be with you". I wanted to love on him and never let him go but I knew the Vet tech had other work to do so after a few moments I very reluctantly let her take Morey back. That was one of the hardest things I've had to do and I felt so alone once Morey was gone. But at least I was leaving him doing a lot better than he had been even when we had arrived only a short time before.
There was nothing more I could do at the vet but I was still so agitated and emotional I wasn't ready to drive home and face being alone without Morey. I stuck around the vet's office for a few hours, updating people on Morey's status and trying to calm down and figure out what to do next. Finally I went to get some lunch and drove home to take a nap. Entering the house without Morey by my side or there to greet me was a horrible feeling. I laid down but it took a while before I could relax enough to sleep.
A call from the vet woke me up, giving me an update and asking if I wanted Morey to come home or for them to keep him overnight for more observation. She said he was walking better but was still very wobbly. I knew I wanted Morey home but also wanted to make sure I would be able to take care of him. She assured me he could walk and would be fine going outside. She also said she would send home medication to give if he had another seizure. With that to reassure me, I said I would come pick Morey up. I couldn't bear to think of him spending the night at the vet if it wasn't necessary.
It was such a relief to see Morey doing better when I went to pick him up! The vet tech went with me to make sure Morey could jump in my car. He stumbled a bit on the landing but he made it.
At home I dragged out his dog bed (not used too much since he prefers the couch) and put it in a spot where he could be near me but not in the way. He was very tired and lethargic and stayed put most of the evening. He did get up for dinner (which helped assure me he really was getting better) and by the end of the night he jumped up on my bed without too much trouble.
1) Thankful he didn't have his seizure on the plane. I had a hard enough time getting him to medical treatment from the ground, I really can't imagine what I would have done if he had had his seizure on the airplane or during our layover!
2) Thankful I decided to drive my own car to the airport. I almost always have a friend take me to the airport or take a Super Shuttle but for some reason I decided to drive my own car. This made it so much easier to get Morey to the vet and home quickly.
3) Thankful all the airport staff were so helpful. There were a number of people who went above and beyond to make sure Morey got the help he needed and they gracefully put up with me not being in my right mind while they did it! I sent an email to the airport after the fact and they said the would pass it along to their staff. I wanted them to know how appeciative I was for their help and to let them know that Morey is ok.
4) Most of all thankful that Morey is fine! It was a very scary day and I kept thinking I might lose my best friend and constant companion and I am incredibly thankful he is doing well!
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