While Morey and I were home, we had the chance to attend an ICAN Furlough Class. Furlough volunteers are a critical part of the ICAN program as they give the pups in training a chance to practice the skills they learn in prison in the outside world. Furloughers take on pups for a week or two at a time and give them opportunities they can't get inside a prison, such as going to restaurants, riding in cars or elevators, and learning how to mind their manners in public places that are often full of distracting sights, sounds, and smells.
Some of the volunteers who worked with Morey as a pup were there and it was fun to see their reunion. Morey recognized several of the volunteers and went into a full blown body wiggle. I know they enjoyed having a chance to see Morey as a grown up working dog and I enjoyed the opportunity to thank them once again for helping Morey to become the best service dog ever.
Morey's dad, Jammer, has been a busy boy and many of his pups are now part of the ICAN Program. Most of the pups at the Furlough Class were related to Morey through either his mom or day. It was fun to see bits of Morey in each of the different dogs. Morey was surprised to see so many dogs at the library and for a moment we went back to the basics that the pups in training were working on to get him re-focused on me: eye contact and simple commands. Once Morey got over his surprise at seeing so many new dogs, he settled down nicely.
Several of the volunteers mentioned that they are faithful followers of Morey's blog. I am glad to know that by sharing some of my experiences I can motivate them in the work they are doing with the pups in training. It also made me feel some pressure to live up to the expectations of Morey's fans!
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