
Morey, My 2nd Service Dog

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Foot Room

Traveling with the rugby team means you have to be flexible. Trying to get 10 quads onto a plane can be a lengthy process and sometimes you just have to go with the flow. Although Morey typically sits at my feet during flights, on the way home from Nationals he shared a seat with some of my teammates. Morey prefers the bulkhead, but it was easier for me to sit farther back in the plane, so Morey ended up sitting by Norm and Gabe. As usual, he went straight to sleep and didn't seem at all bothered by the seating change. (I guess my feet are pretty interchangeable with someone else's feet).

On our second flight, Morey somehow ended up in the row behind me. Even though there wasn't as much space as in the front, it still worked out well because Morey was sitting by Chris, our Australian athlete who played with us this season. Chris is a quad amputee and he has no legs below the knee. This meant that Morey didn't have to share space with any feet, he got all of the space below Chris's legs. This arrangement seemed to work well for both of them and I think Morey is going to be looking to sit by amputees in the future since that allows him to have even more space!

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