For the most part, Morey's life is fairly routine. This is not a problem, but when we travel and he is suddenly put into new situations I realize the importance of keeping him used to variety and not letting him get too stuck in his ways. Especially in the potty department.
The hotel had landscaping that used lava rocks instead of mulch. Morey tromped around for quite a while, needing to hurry, but not wanting to do so on this surface. There was no easily accessible grass available but when he still wouldn't go, I found some regular mulch he could use. I also usually let him have his morning time on a longer retractable leash and he didn't like only having 4 feet instead of 12. We will definitely be adding some variations to his potty routines so next time he will be ready to go (quite literally!).
Morey hasn't been to a hotel for a while, but he got quite excited when I let him loose in the room. He ran around sniffing everything and when I got out his water bowl and toy he became very playful. I was rooming with one of our support staff and she instantly became even more of his friend when she invited him up on her bed. He brought his squeaky toy up with him and looked quite comfortable. When it actually came time for bed though I made him come over and sleep with me...I don't mind sharing Morey to a certain extent, but I do have my limits. : )
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