I am not much of a morning person. I like to wake up slowly (even after I'm out of bed) and don't like to interact much until I have been up for a while. Morey, on the other hand, hits the ground running.
We have our morning routine where he stays in bed while I get ready to go and only when I am heading out the door will he get off the bed. After our drive to work, Morey has his morning potty time and then he gets to start out the day doing his favorite job; opening the door. I've posted about this before, but the enthusiasm and energy he puts into this task can't help but make you smile. Once we get inside the building, he prances and trots next to me, making great eye contact. For some reason, he will sometimes turn around and try to grab his tail in his mouth. I think he wags it so much that he catches glimpse of it in the corner of his eye and then wants to snap at it. When he actually catches it, he starts going in circles. One of these days I'm going to bring my clicker and start capturing that behavior so I can teach him to chase his tail on command!
The other day as we were going through our routine, a woman came in the door behind us. As she was watching Morey go through his moves she said, "Watching him puts such a smile on my face. He's just happy to be alive today isn't he?" I agreed with her and said that it's hard to be in a bad mood when you see the enjoyment he gets out of life. Morey helps me-and others- start the day out right-with a reminder to love your job and embrace what the day can bring!
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