
Morey, My 2nd Service Dog

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Parking Mobility

Morey and I recently became part of an innovative program called Parking Mobility. Parking Mobility utilizes trained and deputized volunteers to report accessible parking violations using an app ( The county I live in has a contract with Parking Mobility so the constable's office actually issues tickets to the violators who are reported. They also offer an education program as a way to reduce the fine and so far the people who have chosen the education program have had a 0% recidivism rate. I love the concept of Parking Mobility because it empowers people in the community, gathers data to prove a need and partners with counties to provide consequences and education to those who improperly park in an accessible space. Win, win, win!

I completed the training in December but you have to be sworn in by the constable before you are officially deputized to report violations. It took a while but I finally made it to the courtroom to get sworn in. Now I just have to train Morey to sniff out the violators and I will make the report!

The newest group of Parking Mobility volunteers with Constable Suits!

The courthouse is downtown, just a few blocks away from UT, and I decided to be a good citizen and take the bus. Sometimes I like to transfer to the bus seat but that day I decided to stay in my chair and get tied down (my chair, not actually me). Morey is not sure he liked that idea because he couldn't figure out where to lay. He finally decided to lay between the tiedowns but said it wasn't very comfortable!
Update: I just reported my first violation! I have been on the lookout for a while (and am happy all the cars I have checked have been legally parked in accessible spaces) but downtown I found a car without a placard parked in the loading strips. I hope they will learn their lesson with some help from Parking Mobility!

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