
Morey, My 2nd Service Dog

Friday, July 31, 2015


Part of my job during the summer involves tabling at New Student Orientation sessions. Our office participates in a variety of different events designed to introduce students and their families to the various services and resources that are available on campus.

Unfortunately, most of these events take place outside in the heat of the afternoon. Not a good mix with Texas heat. All our staff sign up to cover different shifts and it's not exactly an opportunity you look forward to doing. It usually involves a lot of sweating and trying to engage people in conversation. If you want to get an idea of how must stigma is still attached to disability, set up a table with a prominent sign that says "Services for Students with Disabilities" and see how many people come over to strike up a conversation. The answer will be not many and most of the people who do come over are only interested in our free pens. While attitudes are slowly changing, there is still a long way to go before students are comfortable publicly identifying as having a disability and view it as simply another aspect of diversity.

One advantage I have during my shifts is that I have Morey with me. While people might not come over to talk to me about what our office does they will come over to talk to or about Morey. Unfortunately, I don't think Morey really enjoys these events either because he spent most of his time hiding under the table cloth trying to stay cool. I kind of wished I could join him!

                                                    That's what you call a hot dog!
                                                  Can you find Morey in this picture?

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