
Morey, My 2nd Service Dog

Saturday, March 21, 2015

RIP Jammer

 I recently got some very sad news about Jammer, Morey's dad and one of my favorite ICAN pooches. His partner called me and explained that Jammer had passed away very suddenly. Apparently he had gone to work like usual but that evening he had started getting sick and after a couple of trips to different vets he passed away. They think it might have been a tumor that ruptured. He was only 8 so it was very unexpected and it's still hard to believe.

I knew Jammer since he started his training as an ICAN pup. Jammer lived with me for 6 months as he finished his last phase of training. Jammer helped me become a better dog trainer and during our time together I trained him to pull my chair and ride the wheelchair lift on the IUPUI campus shuttle. He was such an enthusiastic dog and loved to work. At one point I considered him as my successor dog to Jessie but he ended up working as a Facility Dog and ICAN's very successful stud dog, siring more than 100 puppies.

Jammer and Morey, Summer 2014
His new family and I have remained close and they were nice enough to let me borrow him for visits when I came home. Our most recent visit was this past summer when he and Morey got to have a reunion.

Father and Son
I see some of Jammer in Morey whenever he makes a sloppy mess on the floor when he drinks and when he bounces straight up in the air when he gets excited. He also gets his love of training from his dad. Morey is a special dog but he is also special to me because he is Jammer's son.

I know the heartache of losing not only a beloved dog but also a canine colleague. I still mourn the loss of my sweet Jessie who also died unexpectedly and far too soon. When you share every part of your life with your dog you miss them nearly every minute of every day. No matter where you go or what you do you miss the constant presence of your pooch. There are many people who will miss Jammer and I am definitely one of them. Jammer has made an impact in the world not only in the lives he touched personally but also through the lives each of his puppies, including Morey. I am thankful to have known such a special dog and am sad he has left the world far too soon.

RIP Jammer. You loved and were loved by many during your years on earth. You will be missed!

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