Morey has always been a pretty healthy dog and there are times when I take that for granted. Over the past 24 hours I've been dealing with a lethargic/listless dog, multiple piles of vomit, changes in plans to accommodate vet visits and very large bills and I will no longer take Morey's health for granted.
On Monday morning Morey didn't want to eat his breakfast and seemed a little more lethargic than usual. That is unusual but it has happened before when he has gotten overheated or just isn't feeling very well. At about 3pm I looked under my desk and saw a pile of dog vomit right next to Morey. It took me by surprise because I hadn't heard the retching sound that usually comes before vomiting. I cleaned up the mess as best I could with paper towels and Lysol wipes. Twenty minutes later as I was talking with my boss I noticed Morey "smiling" (his lips pulled way back as he panted) and knew he was going to vomit again. Since there wasn't any food left in his stomach this mess was a little more difficult to clean up and smelled a little worse.
I had one meeting left in my day but thankfully it was on the ground level in a room right by the door and I alerted the rest of the participants that I might need to unexpectedly leave the room. Thankfully the meeting was not interrupted by Morey and I was hopeful that he had cleared his system of whatever had been bothering him.
I was home and working in the yard when I noticed Morey throwing up again. Being the concerned dog person that I am, I went over to examine the contents of the vomit (much to the disgust of my roommate!). There wasn't anything unusual in it and I wondered what was making Morey so sick.
I cooked him some rice and fed him some special dog food but two hours later I saw that food again on the carpet. Once again, there was no warning noise which is rather inconvenient because it doesn't allow me to rush Morey outside or onto hard floor. As it got closer to bed time I was concerned about how the night was going to go. I spread a towel over my bed and had to hope for the best.
At 1am I woke up to an unpleasantly familiar sound but wasn't fast enough to escort Morey to a "safe puking" zone, ending up with a mess on my bedspread. As annoying and gross as it was, Morey was obviously uncomfortable and that was more concerning to me than the mess. I cleaned it as best as I could and didn't sleep well the rest of night since I woke up in high alert any time Morey moved.
I decided to go in to work a little later than usual so I could monitor Morey and also have a chance to wash my bedspread. At 8am Morey vomited again and since this was the 7th time in less than 24 hours I decided to call my vet and made an appointment for that afternoon because they were concerned about Morey being dehydrated. Morey was acting fine, running around the yard and looking for breakfast (which he didn't get) but then he would revert back to being listless and lethargic.
My office didn't smell very good when I arrived and after talking with our building staff, a staff member brought up some carpet cleaner to remove the smell. Thankfully there were no more messes added to my carpet the rest of the day! Yay!
At the vet, Morey eagerly greeted all the staff but when they led him to the exam room he began to get a little more hesitant. The vet wanted to do bloodwork and x-rays to rule out an obstruction and since a friend's dog had died of an obstruction several months ago I didn't want to take any chances. As Morey was in the back getting these procedures I was left alone in the exam room trying not to think the worst. Morey is practically an extension of myself and seeing him sick with all the unknowns and "worse case scenarios" floating around in my head was a not a pleasant way to pass the time.

The vet tech loved Morey and was impressed by how calmly he accepted the handling during the exam, even jumping up onto the x-ray table when asked. Even though he didn't feel well he was still well behaved (as usual).
Morey's bloodwork and x-ray came back normal which was a relief. However, he still wasn't out of the woods as there is still the potential for pancreatitis or an obstruction that didn't show up in the x-ray. He was given subcutaneous fluid and an ant-nausea injection with instructions to monitor him closely for the next 24 hours. I was allowed to give him small amounts of chicken and rice for dinner and see how that goes. If he vomits again in the next 12 hours he will have to go in for an ultrasound tomorrow.
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Notice Morey's "hump" that is the fluid that was injected into him. The vet explained that it will be absorbed as its needed.
It's hard to see Morey sick and even harder to think about the "what ifs". I am hoping and praying that Morey is done with the vomiting and on the mend!
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