
Morey, My 2nd Service Dog

Friday, January 24, 2014

Snow Day!

It doesn't happen often in Texas but today Morey and I got the day off due to "inclement weather". Last night we got sleet and ice which caused lots of accidents and pretty much shut down the entire city. I have been jealous of my Midwestern family and friends who have gotten multiple snow days (although I haven't been jealous of the temperatures that came along with it!) and was excited that I got an unexpected day off.  All of a sudden I had time to do things like sleep in, cook breakfast, and of course, catch up on Morey's blog! It is a nice change from my usual tightly packed schedule.

Come on out and play!

Our deck was covered with ice and Morey was quite excited to go out and run around. He would have liked it a lot more if we had gotten snow accumulation because he loves to play in the snow but he still had fun frisking and frolicking around. I had fun watching him from inside :)

My roommate recently got a new wheelchair and we had the giant box sitting in our living room. I guess the little kid in me came out as I remembered all the fun I had growing up playing in old refrigerator/dishwasher/washer/dryer boxes and I suddenly had a desire to put that box to good use. I didn't feel like getting on the floor to enjoy a box fort but I figured it would be fun to see what Morey thought of it.

It only took a sharpie marker and some rearranging and soon Morey had a homemade fort complete with his bed, toys and antler.
As you can see, he has found it to be quite comfortable!
It's supposed to be back in the 70s tomorrow but for now Morey and I are enjoying our one day winter!

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