There are times when a restroom stall just isn't big enough for a wheelchair and a large dog to both fit inside. When I run across one of these restrooms, I typically leave Morey in a "stay" outside the stall I am using. (Since Morey has bed privileges, I avoid having him lay down in particularly germy or dirty places and a public bathroom would definitely qualify!) It can be kind of entertaining to hear the reactions of other women when they come in the restroom and see a dog standing in the restroom who is seemingly not attached to a human. However, in order to prevent any panic about a lost dog in the women's restroom I have learned to keep up a running monologue with Morey so people know who he belongs to.
Since Morey typically does go into the restroom stall with me when it's big enough, he doesn't quite understand why I leave him on the opposite side of the door. As you can see, he sometimes feels the need to check on me to make sure a) I am ok or b) I don't find a way to sneak out without him (I haven't figured out his exact motivation yet.) I guess as long as he sticks to only peeping under my stall door it's ok- I can only imagine the response if he happened to peep underneath a stranger's door!
Can I come in? |
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