Over the summer, I got into some lazy habits with Morey and am only now beginning to see the results of those habits. I usually play ball with Morey before and after work so he gets exercise at least twice a day. During the summer, though, it was just too hot to play ball enough to give Morey the amount of exercise he needed. I'll still throw it once or twice but even that gets Morey panting for hours.
Recently as I was grooming Morey, I noticed that he had put on a few pounds in the last few months. He is not super heavy, but he definitely has a nice layer of insulation that is not really necessary in the Texas heat. As I started thinking about the reason for his weight gain I focused on areas; feeding and exercising.
When I looked at Morey's feeding routine, I discovered that the cup I had been using to measure his food was not truly 1 cup. I got a new measuring cup so I know exactly how much I am feeding him and I am making sure they are not rounded cups!
I have also re-started ball play times before and after work. This requires me to park in a space that is a little farther away from my building (with a hill in between the space and my building). It's not that big of a deal for me to push a little bit farther and it allows me to have a nice place to throw the ball for Morey. On days when I am running late or wanting to hurry home, it can be a challenge to make sure I don't skimp on Morey's exercise time.
I am trying to stay committed to these new habits that will keep Morey happy and healthier!
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