Just wanted to share a proud Morey moment that happened today...
Most of the time the stuff Morey does for me is helpful, but not really necessary. I can do most of it myself, it's just faster and easier for him to do it for me. But then there are times when I really can't do something without his help and that is when I appreciate him most.
I was at rugby practice and Morey was laying patiently on his rug like always. During one of our water breaks, one of the guys noticed that his water bottle had fallen underneath the bleachers. He asked me if Morey could get it for him. I wasn't sure, but said we could give it a try!
Morey had to climb on and then under the bleachers, duck his head below the bench to get the bottle and then crawl backwards with the bottle balancing on the foot part of the bleachers (not sure if that makes any sense or not-it's kind of hard to describe his amazing feat). He dropped the bottle once and willingly picked it up again. He had drawn a crowd while he was doing this and when he delivered the bottle he got a round of applause and lots of praise from the whole team. I was very impressed by the problem solving and persistence he showed and it made me smile that he just saw it all as part of his job and then went and laid calmly on his rug again.
All in a day's work for Mr. Morey, but it certainly was an impressive retrieve sequence. And even with all the different elements, he figured out what he had to do with the single cue "get". I can't really take any credit for his amazingness, but it was a great example of one of the many random things a service dog can be trained to do!
Gotta love that work ethic! Way to go Morey :) A lesser dog may have given up, and shut down in the face of having to figure it out themselves. A huge complement to Morey and the benefits of R+ training: a thinking dog!