Morey and I love competing in agility. We go to class every week but we are more about having fun rather than competing. Our club hosts a North American Dog Agility Coucil (NADAC) trial every spring and Morey and I have competed the past 2 years. This year we entered 10 events which was rather ambitious but hey, we like a challenge!
Morey's happy agility face |
We entered all Into events which is the beginner class. These courses usually involve 7-9 obstacles and aren't too tricky. Each course must be completed in the correct order in a specified amount of time. Dogs are judged by speed and accuracy. If a dog completes a course with no mistakes (taking an obstacle out of order, missing an obstacle, etc.) and within the time limit it is called a Qualifying Run or Q. Dogs are judged by speed against dogs in their same height class (different size dogs jump at different heights).
Morey has so much fun with agility. He gets his "happy face" on when I pull out the treats and we get ready to run!
Agility Venue |
The trial was held in the same venue as last year, an indoor horse barn with a dirt floor. Last year it was really hard for me (and others) to get around on the soft dirt so this year the organizers asked if the facility could pack down the dirt. I still needed my FreeWheel but it was so much easier to get around. I suppose there isn't a lot they can do about the strong scent of horse!
Morey holding his ribbons from First and Q in Intro Weavers! |
Morey and I ready to go! |
In Morey's first event of the trial he won 1st and Q in Weavers. Morey still isn't super skilled on the weave poles so I was very surprised we got through the whole course on time and without a mistake!
There was a large crating area where people "camp out" between their runs. Some people who trial a lot have super fancy set ups with rugs, crates, chairs and various amenities to make a long day at the venue more comfortable for the humans and canines! Morey and I kept it simple with his collapsible crate, a bag full of supplies and a rug.
Morey in his collapsible crate |
Morey chilling on his rug, looking distinguished with his paws crossed |
I have to put Morey in the crate when I can't directly supervise him but most of the time he preferred to lay on his rug and watch the activity going on around us. When I do put him in his crate he likes to keep an eye on me as much as he can!
Morey peeking out the window of his crate |
Morey power napping in his crate |
Morey modeling his Title Ribbons |
In order to earn a Title in a specific event you have to earn 3 Qs (or 30 points). Morey's runs this weekend earned him his first two titles in Intro Regular and Tunnelers! More ribbons to add to his collection!
All in all Morey earned Qs in 9 out of his 10 events! We missed a Q in Jumpers because we took a bit too long but we still won first place based on speed.
If you want to see video of our runs they are posted on Morey's Youtube Channel: . I think the quality is better than trying to embed them in this blog.
It's fun for Morey and I to learn to work together in new ways. We've improved a lot in agility over the past year and it was fun to see our work pay off! Now it's time to start training for next year!