People kept asking if Morey was going to graduate with me and of course the answer was yes! He accompanied me to all my classes and internship hours (even if he did sleep through most of them) and it would be strange not to share this special day with him.
The Dean of the Master's Program really likes Morey (who doesn't?) and she specifically asked me to write Morey's name on my name card so she could be sure to recognize him as well. As all the graduate were lined up waiting to go across the stage and be recognized several people told me that Morey was their favorite graduate. I think he definitely was the cutest!
During the ceremony the Dean called out my name and then said "And because he also attended all the classes, Morey". The applause was quite loud as we crossed the stage. I shook the Dean's hand and he handed me an envelope and a rolled up paper "diploma". Trying to balance a rolled up paper on top of the billowy gown was not going to work so I handed the "diploma" to Morey to carry for me. A chorus of "Aws" went through the audience as we continued across the stage. I am sure it was adorable but I wonder how many people realized that he was doing an actual task for me, not just looking adorable.
The official photographer did a good job of making us both look good (they added a variety of different backgrounds from the same photo).
After the ceremony everyone gathered outside, taking pictures and congratulating each other. Morey got lots of congratulations and compliments and I even got a few as well! One person even asked if he could have his picture taken with Morey.
Of course, people took lots of pictures of me and Morey and when I was looking at a friend's Facebook page I found it funny that the word "More" was right on Morey! All it needs is a "y"! :)
My graduation presents from my parents were boots and a brick. Through the Texas Parents Association at UT you can buy a personalized brick that is on the sidewalk outside the building where I work. I thought it would be a special way to recognize our accomplishment and I get to see it everyday when I go by. It will always be a reminder of life's unexpected but often amazing journey!