My mom has been involved with ICAN in a variety of ways, including taking care of the newborn pups, furloughing dogs and taking care of dogs when they need a break from prison. She is currently taking care of ICAN's recently retired breeding dog, a golden retriever named Jamie (named in honor of Jamie Young). Jamie the dog needed a place to recover after her pups left and to stay until she was spayed and recovered from surgery.

Jamie is two years old and loves to play! She and Morey had a blast playing with each other but her energy far exceeded his and Morey was exhausted by the time we went home! Jamie's favorite game to play is tug and she would tease Morey into playing with her by dangling a toy in his face. She didn't actually want the toy- she just wanted to play with him.
More than a few toys met their match while Morey was home! |
They also enjoyed some antler chewing together.
Break time! |
All worn out! |

Jamie is a social dog and wanted to be near Morey all the time. She isn't allowed up on the human beds but whenever Morey was on the dog bed she wanted to join him.
I enjoyed watching their body language as they played. Although Morey is usually quite docile he can look ferocious when he plays. My sister would sometimes think they were getting too rough but I was watching their body language and could tell despite the snapping of teeth and body slamming that it was all in good fun. Jamie didn't always want to stop when Morey did so there were a couple of times that we had to stop their play and encourage a quiet activity like chewing bones or antlers.
Since my mom didn't get to come to Texas to celebrate Morey's birthday we had a belated party for him, with Jamie and Buddy the shih Tzu as guests. Morey very much enjoyed his presents which included new toys, a new antler and two new feeding toys!
The weird looking green thing is actually a feeder- you sprinkle food between the "grass blades" and the dogs have to lick it out. |
Look at all those wrinkles! |
Morey and Jamie also got to go to church together. They adapted very well to their "professional relationship" after the romping and running they did at home.
After we had gone back to Texas my mom was talking to me on the phone about Morey. She told me that Jamie got up and started looking around for him. She definitely liked the visitor from Texas!